Originally Posted by munzy
求めてくれる人、好きでいてくれる人に対して裏切って はならないという使命感、責任感。
To search someone? ---- I don't know, how to translate... really...
First, this is not a sentence. It's a long relative clause. Everything in front of 使命感、責任感 modifies it.
"A sense of mission, a sense of responsibility that keeps telling me that I should never cheat those who want me and who like me."
好きで居てくれる人を好きになる傾向にも通じている。 希望に応えることで、相手が喜び、それが自身の喜びと なる.
さっちゃんは、自分では無い誰か(ファン)のために歌 を歌う。闇を照す。「砂」と「月」、その「光」
月かな?私には、別のもののような気がする……けどそ れは言わない。ちなみに、矛先は白い羽を生やした精霊 に向いているのでは無いかという私の身勝手な憶測。
"This is like a tendency in myself to like those who keep liking me. Responding to their wishes makes them happy and that in turn becomes my pleasure."
"Sa-chan sings songs for others that aren't himself (fans). It lightens the darkness. "Sand" and "moon" Is this light the moon? I feel it's something else, but I won't say what it is. By the way, I have a selfish conjecture that
the spearhead is probably pointed at the spirit with white feathers."
I've said this many times and I must say it again even if you won't listen.
If you are serious about your Japanese studies, you should not use these writings as your study materials. These writings are