Thanks again for the help,
sorry if I use sometimes wrong words, but I don't know english well too...
I know you have right, I really want to learn japanese, I'm associating these blog translations to grammar books, but I'm studing by myself , so it's hard... sometimes I try to translate these things because I really have the esigence to know what there's written in these blogs, but I'm continuing to study grammar...
And... sigh, my memory is not the best, I continue to forget rules...
For example the rule for 'くれる' (if it's the same thing of "くれた" at the past sentence) I'd already study it, I know that mean something someone give/do/to let one give, but in the moment that I need to applicate this rule in a real sentence, I don't know how to put evertything together..
I know already a lot of things in grammar, but really, when I find these long sentences, it become all complicated...
It's not that I don't want to listen the advises... really...
I'm trying my best... but it's really hard japanese...
Ah, here I don't understand one thing, there's a
"無い" something that' s is not, is not existent, so it should be something not existent/not had/not being?
ちなみに、矛先は白い羽を生やした精霊に向いているの では
"By the way, I have a selfish conjecture that the spearhead is probably pointed at the spirit with white feathers"