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JF Ossan
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03-24-2010, 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
What are you talking about?
Are you saying the 95% of the 85% that have insurance have never used their insurance before? sooo you are saying on average if the insruance company is not paying out more than what you are paying in premiums, then its a bad investment and people are not satisfied?

Thats like saying I'm going to have a accident with my car in order to get a good return on my investment in car insurnace?

Awww I'd didn't get sick and use my insurance but I still had to pay my premiums... those evil greed insruance comapnies.
You are pulling a card from Dark's deck of tricks.

Of course I said nothing of the kind, and I am not going to spend all day explaining something so simple to someone not interested in reading.

If you ask people if they are happy with their health insurance you said 85% of people are.

But the majority of people never USE their health insurance, so they have little to be dissatisfied with, (but ask their employer if they are happy).

My point is that if you ask people that have or are actually "using" their health insurance (meaning they have health issues and are "in the system") then that satisfaction rate plummets. That's all.

Please don't overcomplicate this any more than it needs to be.

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Majority of the American people my ass.
Social Security, Medicare Faced Same Arguments
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