Originally Posted by sarasi
I have heard nothing along those lines, and I follow news on visas fairly closely. What has been getting stricter is their reaction to people who stay 90 days on a tourist permit, go to Korea for a day, then try to come in again, especially if they do it more than once.
It hasn't been necessary to go to Korea to change to a working visa for many years now, so they have actually become more lenient on that point, not stricter- they allow you to change status in Japan.
Patently false. This was changed in July of 2008. I'm in America visiting my grandmother, or I would pull up the paperwork I received from Ministry of Foreign Affairs explaining that status changing in Japan is no longer allowed. Trust me on this; my experience would have been easier had they not changed this policy.
And yes, they are extremely suspicious of multiple tourist visas, but there are several explanations you can use to get multiples in a row. You just have to be morally and ethically "okay" with either an overt lie or a lie of ommission.