Originally Posted by robhol
Whether or not it's "OK" to cry depends on who you are, where you are and who is around you - in other words, it depends almost completely on your personality and your circumstances. And of course, the reason you're crying is important too.
For a little kid, it's usually "OK" to cry. However, a 50-year-old man who is crying because he lost his lollipop is likely to attract some weird looks... 
I completely agree with this. I really think there should be an 'it depends' option

I mean it's typically okay to cry if you have a good reason, I mean if your whole family was wiped out one day it'd be weird not to cry. I do think though that sometimes it's not okay, it can be a sign of immaturity or weakness, or just very inappropriate in some cultures. Here it's odd to cry in public, unless you're a child, so unless you had a good reason to then it wouldn't really be 'okay'. Like Robhol said, would it really be okay for an elderly man to cry because he lost his lollipop? I doubt it.