Originally Posted by wolfrainvn
As the title indicate, some might have guess that i have lost my faith in humanity. I used to believe in the good and just of people, no matter who they are, there is still a small part of people that are good and just. And then the faith failed me, it come down crashing and burning in it crushed debris. For all i see in people now is neither good or bad, there only one type of people, who react to stimulations of the outside world without any conscious thoughts of their actions. It may be a very grim view of human nature but the evidence of people around me really suggest otherwise of humanity.
Any thoughts?
This kind of reminds me of an old film I once saw, 'The Story of Mankind' I think it was called. The idea was a demon and an angel debated whether mankind was essentially good or evil, using real examples from history, the conclusion was mankind is capable of both, that we are born both good and bad. I've used this example because I think it basically sums up people pretty well. We're all capable of good and bad, action or inaction, intellegence or stupidity, but its up to the individual how they act or how they percieve the world.
There are people like you've described, maybe more so than there used to be for a variety of reasons, such as a changing society. The thing to remember is there's also humans who are capable of great feats, kindness and action, people who change the world for the better or seek to help others as best as they can. Sure I could give examples, but if you've really lost faith in humanity maybe its best to find your own. You'll be suprised at how many redeeming qualities people have, even if it can be hard to see it at times.