03-25-2010, 02:31 PM
funny someone asked this question at my company yesterday.
My answer is still the same. As of right now hell no do i have faith in humanity. We are too divided until humanity starts thinking about the planet as whole and not just our individual countries, race, religion, ideology ect ect. We are headed towards a not so bright future. I hate to say but i think its going to take some cataclysmic event to wake up the human race.
Humanity is capable of great good only matched by our capacity to commit great evil. We always seem to find a way speed ourselves towards the abyss but at the very last second manage to pull ourselves away and keep from tumbling down. Humanity has infinite potential because we possess something that no other species on the planet does imagination. However we choose to use this gift more often than not in finding new ways to commit the oldest of sins.
I dont expect some global Utopia but sometimes the things we can do to our fellow humans truly disturbs me. But there are times when my faith is restored ever so briefly. Like when I see medical improvements or how a person put their own life in danger to save a person they didnt even know. Sometimes things can be the blackest just before the dawn. I just humanity gives that dawn time to come.
Last edited by Sinestra : 03-25-2010 at 02:48 PM.
Reason: didnt finish what i was writing i hate when people read over my shoulder. lol