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Slykaz1 (Offline)
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03-25-2010, 05:36 PM son is a big fan of halo...and this the closest to the real thing he could make. lol. I have fun playing with it, or rather breaking it.

I wonder if it's difficult to drive this hummer...
long hummer.JPG

Went to the snow a few months ago...and the snow was very deep. lol. We kept sinking into the was waist deep.
snow as tall as car.JPG

And we found a dog lazying in the snow up at the telescope Flagstaff.
docile dog.JPG

This sky I caught on our way home.

Property of Eiri & Pexster
Virtual Boyfriend...Hyakushi in *Indian suit*

Eiri - 41 : Rojjin -43 : Sly - 121 : Yuna7780 - 57 : reihino - 14 : Crani - 22 : Ramones1976 - 0 : AnimeBaby112 - 3 : Arikado - 1 : KikiBunny23 - 3 : Pexter -0
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