Originally Posted by TalnSG
No, they can't. They will encounter the same issues with other western owned companies until they build their own internal search engine that is comparable.
They already have search engines that are huge over in China and according to all the Chinese I've spoken to, they were used a lot more than they ever used google!
Three main search engines!
Originally Posted by xyzone
Just as well because China has 0 defense of it's politics in the world of open information.
You might be right, and you'll probably find that the majority of Chinese that live abroad do agree with you, but you'll also find an alarming amount of people that syphathise/agree with the governments actions. A lot, especially those abroad, believe that if the people of China were to learn everything about the governments actions and the world outside, there would be civil unrest in China which would hugely disrupt the countries "rise to power" on the global scale! Many of these Chinese reference previous empires and global powers as proof. The majority of the worlds global powers in the past reached their status through some sort of dictatorship regime. Whether it was a monarchy or other! So for now, a lot of Chinese have HUGE problems with their government, but they still symphathise because they do see how life is improving and how China is becoming more and more important in the world!