Originally Posted by Esinem
Quite right, an interpretor is what we need. I stand corrected
The compensation is admission for two to all events, regardless of whether the services of the interpretor were required. We would prefer to offer this opportunity to somebody who has a genuine interest in the subject and for whom it would be an honour spending time with Kinoko sensei, rather than somebody who is just interested in the money. As I said, we do have bi-lingual volunteers already but it would be good to have another to spread the load.
Don't bite! I'm merely making an offer, which can be accepted or rejected....I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head!
My "bite" was due to the fact you are "offering" free entry to an event in exchange of professional (and expensive) services.
Like musicians, translators and interpreters are often regarded as hobbyists and not professionals. Their years of hard work and study is swept under the rug because they have a passion for the subject they have dedicated their lives to.
I have seen this happen too often, and is why I am speaking up.
You are counting on volunteers for a job you should be budgeting 40 or 50 Euros an hour for. If I were your guest flying in from Japan I am going to be making the assumption you have professional interpretors who will be there to make my visit comfortable and worthwhile to the guests. Again, what is the point of coming if no one can understand what I am saying? The fact you have volunteers doing it means you have hired people who don't have enough faith in their own ability to charge for it.
I haven't done a volunteer interpretation job in over 15 years, and I cringe now when I think back upon it, as I was severely under-qualified, even though I had graduated with a degree in Japanese language studies.
Interpretation is very difficult and draining. That's why I don't do it (even for money). It is more than just being able to speak in Japanese. Do your interpreters have a terms list? It sounds like there will be some specialized topics discussed, so do they know the terms talked about in both languages?
Too often at events like this interpretation is an afterthought when in reality it should be at the top of your priority list. I recommend scraping some cash together and hiring a professional, or your guest may not want to make this trip again.
Trust me. You want someone who is doing it for the money. Your guest will thank you.