Thread: China V. Google
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noodle (Offline)
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03-26-2010, 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
I said comparable. By that I meant open and able to search all public documetns on the internet. No matter what subject you were searching on Google, Bing, etc. you would find the most current and/or widely read posts on the issue, regardless of their origin.

I would expect that on any of those three a search on "Mao Zedong" would have considerably skewed responses and there are many western authors that would not show at all.
Ok, fair enough. I misunderstood since you wrote about building the search engine.

As for the most current and or widely read posts, that's not exactly how google and all these other search engines work, but that's a totally different topic. I will say this though, there is a measure of control from Google and such on search results! However, it gets labelled as a brother of parental control, and not an infringement of freedom of speech/civil rights/whatever else people use to describe China's firewall!
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