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(#85 (permalink))
pacerier (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 159
Join Date: Aug 2009
03-29-2010, 12:09 PM

oh, i was wondering why ダメ is in katakana and not hiragana. my thinking is that if it is an imported word, then it shouldn't have a kanji equivalent, or is that not true?

But you need to finish the phrase ボブ勉強してばかり first so I can be sure you know how to use it.
hm, i thought it could be used this way: ボブは勉強してばかり, or is it incomplete?

Also, as for はず, in this sentence ボブもいきたいはず does the はず signify "probably" or "supposed to"?:
(1) Bob probably wants to go too
or (2) Bob is supposed to want to go

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