Hi, I totely agree with you Japan is a fantastic country. I wish that i could visit it one day . I'm far away from Japan but i want to know a lot about this lovely place , would you mind tell me about it ?
I wander what Japanse eat? haw do they live? ext...
I also like china; i love chinese legend, clothes...
The must sees in Japan are shinkansen, maglev, fujisan, ramen, sushi, and music stores. For me eating japanese food in tradition hotel would be the most fantastic experience, but I have never tried it, too expensive..If you are keen to collect cds, you must go to check out japanese used cd stores!
For chinese or japanese legends, you can check out chinese myth on wiki or buy a book about them. But they are old wellknown stuff already. For more fun, you can try to find some history related mangas to understand about the eastern cultures, reading historical mangas is very wonderful.

If to try in traditional ways, you can buy books from Amazon. For chinese food, the most delicious and high quality are to be found in Hongkong, Taiwan, Macao. Some mainland cities like Shanghai is a somewhat messy place, but Beijing, Hangzhou, Xi`An, Lhasa could be ok.
BTW there are many new interesting discoveries in archaeology if you are a fan of those stuff. Make sure to check out neolithic cultures like: Liangzhu culture, Jiahu culture, Yangshao culture, Sanxingdui culture. Those cultures are from 7000-2000BC, there are many amazing stuff to see about them. The earliest brewed wine, the earliest playable musical instrument-a bone flute with a full octave from a 9000 years old culture, precisely curved 5000 years old jade artifacts, 3000 years old bronze sun tree, 4000 years old dragon symbolism etc. Travels in China will be cheaper than in Japan, so be prepared for the japanese cost.