Originally Posted by ShiroiHana
Are you vain?
Ahem, it's strange how my opinion on plastic surgery changed. I decided to have one (or two?) when I have the chance (not soon!). I'm just vain enough to want to look better. Love being free! XD
Just sharing.
Sorry if this is sounds like a criticism, or is maybe too personal a question, but it seems to be that a desire for plastic surgery would make one (typically) as far from being vain as imaginable. If there's something about you that you're desperate to change to look better, then surely it implies you don't think you're attractive enough as you are? To me a desire for plastic surgery is a sign of insecurity. Personally if I could afford it I'd get plastic surgery in a heartbeat, not because I'm 'vain' because if I was then I wouldn't feel the need to change my appearance, but because I'm insecure. I could be wrong, but I just feel a need to change oneself excludes one from being vain