Thread: Spouse Visa
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JF Ossan
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03-30-2010, 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by sarasi View Post
Does the couple involved plan to live in Japan in the near future? If not, I kind of doubt that the visa would be granted. The purpose of a spouse visa is to allow the spouse of a Japanese national to reside with them in Japan. Japan Immigration tends to be very suspicious of married couples who don't live together, so I think they would probably have a lot of questions for someone applying for a spouse visa in order to go to Japan when the Japanese spouse does not currently live in Japan, or plan to in the near future.

If the person applying could convince Immigration that they were both about to move to Japan it might work I suppose.
No, but intend on doing extended visits that could be longer than 90 days, and the idea that the husband would have to leave seemed silly if he could get a one-year spouse visa (or dependent visa...or however you want to call it).

They live together, but their permanent residence is in the US. The wife does have an address in Japan (her parents' house), and her parents could be guarantors.
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