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Wagamama (Offline)
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03-30-2010, 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
From Hakone you can travel up to Ashinoko yourself and take the boat tour, it will not be expensive. But Hakone is "kinda remote", so you may want to plan a stay there for a night.

Osaka and Tokyo both have plenty of museum. For science museums, there are a couple of them at Odaiba. There is also the Edo museum in Tokyo that is FILLED with history if that interest you...

Harajuku have either weird (to me it is weird) culture or high price culture with Burberry and LV there. I won't call it "traditional" per say. You can see all the traditional stuff around Kyoto.

How long will you be staying in Japan for?
Hmmm when i was there i didnt see anything particularly out of the norm but yeah its one hell of a pricey place thats fer sure.Just my 2cents to the one who started this thread,u mentioned u are going for kyoto,osaka,tokyo,hiroshima and miyajima.i wouldn't think thats a good idea,theres too much travelling time and money involved(long distrance transport aint cheap at all) i rather u spend the time exploring deeper into ur selected region and use the money to have nicer food.For example theres more to the kansai region than kyoto and osaka.
hope this helps
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