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(#48 (permalink))
pacerier (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 159
Join Date: Aug 2009
03-31-2010, 03:50 PM

ok, i'll write みだら in kanji then =D

Tell me in which one 汚い can be read in two ways.
hm i'm not sure, 口が汚い can only be read as くちがきたない whereas 口汚い can only be read as くちぎたない ?

not really if you mean a soccer match or baseball game. People may say it but theoretically it cannot exist, can it?
in other words grammatically its ok? like if a coach gets too confident and tell his players この試合、必勝法がある

I’ve been told that 暑い and 暖かい can both be used to refer to weather with 暑い being “its warm (bad)” and 暖かい being “its warm (good)”. If we referring to things/items, does 熱い and 温かい also have this good/bad meaning? e.g. is 熱いコーヒー/熱い牛乳 a good warm or a bad warm?

(also, i’ve realised that a shirt that makes me warm is referred to as 温かいシャツ, however if i want to say that the warm is a “bad” warm, can i say暑いシャツ?)


Last edited by pacerier : 03-31-2010 at 03:54 PM.
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