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Sashimister (Offline)
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04-01-2010, 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by lilsgeru View Post
Is it common in Japan to give a handkerchief as a gift? If so, are they exchanged between friends/family/lovers?
Yes, it's probably much more common than you would have imagined. But remember, it isn't one handkerchief that people give as a gift. It's usually a set of 3 or 5, which is readily available in department stores and others. They come in nice boxes and you have them gift-wrapped.

Between friends, hankerchiefs are good. Family and lovers, not really because you would tend to opt for better items. People receive handkerchiefs when colleagues quit, when friends relocate long-distance, etc. Handkerchiefs are good because they are small and light as you would need to buy many sets at a time for the occasions mentioned above.
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