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yuriyuri (Offline)
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Location: UK
04-01-2010, 05:29 AM

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately I cant say exactly where I heard these things, but it has mainly been from people who have lived in Japan once before and not had much luck getting back over there again.

Of course this is probably due to unforseen curcumstances etc. but I didnt think to ask them at the time, so I was just curious.

When I say a longer amount of time, I mean longer than a year.
I cant say exactly how long I plan on trying to live here in total since I have never tried it before (Hence why i am looking at working holiday visas) so dont know what it is like, but being that I mean longer than a year I would say 2 - 3 years at the least (That is assuming that I could live here ok if I got a working holiday visa for a year)

But since its difficult to say how long I want to try and live in Japan it could be longer.
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