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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-02-2010, 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by konbini View Post
Given what was discussed early, this probably sounds like a stupid question. I am confused about when it sounds more like a l or r.
When I was in Japan a Japanese friend told me their is no difference between l and r. He gave the word for apple as an example. To me it sounded more like linguo than ringuo. Also I remember ordering ramen and the woman called it lamen. Would it be incorrect to say toli instead of tori or aligtou instead of arigatou?
It depends on what the "l" and "r" in your sentences represent.

For example, English "r" sounds frigging nothing like the sound appearing at the beginning of Japanese らりるれろ. But the "l" isn't the same sound, either (although the "l" is closer).

The Spanish "r" is, on the other hand, very close to the Japanese (but then again, the Spanish "l" is close to it as well).
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