Originally Posted by pizzicatogo
Ah thanks. I think I understand the answer as you explained it. I was never too good with intransitive versus transitive. I get them mixed up...same with particles hehe.
Anyway, how about my second question? I am having way more trouble with that really. I don't get what the proper way to say "I love you too" would be. It seems like it's so easy in English to say it. The whole "I love you" is emphasized with the too, but in Japanese it seems like it's not so simple. I really don't know 
This dictionary is
rife with examples that give you exactly what you need for many circumstances:
“i love you too”の検索結果(19 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
Personally, if my baby said it to me, I'd just respond with オレも, but that's the kind of guy I am.
Another choice is オレも好きだよ. Of course, you can't say this if you're a girl.