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Sashimister (Offline)
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04-03-2010, 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by pacerier View Post
oic, anyway i was wondering how will the "word-length" of a japanese essay be counted? (like in english, if i were to say a 1500 word essay, its very easy to count each word individually and add up the total)
lol The system is much easier in Japanese than in English. In Japanese, you just count the 字, not the words. The Composition Paper used in schools is already devided into 400 spaces. The teacher just tells you how many pages s/he wants you to write.

also, when we send a (written) invitation to someone, what’s the difference in nuance between 招待状を送る and 招待状を発送する, or is there no difference?
and when we receive the invitation, which would be appropriate: 招待状を受け取る or 招待状をもらう?
送る sounds less formal than 発送する.
発送する sounds colder and more business-like than 送る.

受け取る simply means "I'm in receipt of ~~." It can (but not always) sound cold.
もらう has a connotation that "you are happy" to receive ~~.
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