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MonkeYMaideN (Offline)
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Question What's the difference between... - 04-04-2010, 09:34 PM

Hello everyone, I’ve been studying my kanji and came across something that’s been bugging me…

On the website I use to study my kanji, it lists:

森 as “forest”
林 as “woods” or “forest”


晩 as “evening”
夕 as “evening”

Is it the usage when writing a sentence or speaking to someone that makes them different? Based on the vocabulary words provided on the website, I assumed 森 was an actual forest while 林was some kind of adjective describing something with forestry.

I can understand the difference between 晩 or 夕 when compared to 夜 and 午, but I don’t get why they both have the same definition (evening).

Are there more kanji with similar definitions like these, and if so how do I differentiate between the two? I thought it’d be best to ask people experienced with the language rather than rely on Google. I couldn't find a thread asking a similar question, but if there is one please link me to it.

I can list the kanji/kana readings for some of the vocabulary words if you want me to.

Thanks in Advance!

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Man, you got it, you got it goin' on
What breaks the weak just makes you strong
You got game, baby bring it on, bring it on

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