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Blitzwing85 (Offline)
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04-06-2010, 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by lucagalbu View Post
So I can't say "I was gone to Rome", because here gone is not an adjective, but I should say "I had gone to Rome". Is it right?
Yeah there are many ways in which you could refer to it depending on the context.

When speaking about something you 'have' done in the past:
I went to Rome
I have been to Rome

When speaking about something you 'will' do in the future:
I am going to Rome
I will go to Rome

When speaking about something you 'were' going to do, but didn't:
I was going to go to Rome

'has' wouldn't fit in anywhere unless you were referring to somebody other than yourself.
She has been to Rome (for example).

I don't think 'gone' would be used either. It would be changed to been, went, going etc.
But you could also use 'gone' when referring to another person again. Maybe speaking about someone who has went to Rome and you have not.
'She has gone to Rome'
This would mean they are still in Rome.

English can be quite complicated when it comes to these subtle changes.
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