Originally Posted by metalmark666
If I'm not in a rush, it is nice to eat with chopsticks. If I'm hungry, I give up on the knife and fork and just settle for the shovel!!
Originally Posted by TalnSG
I will just go back to my ceasar salad and chopsticks. They really do work better for salads than forks these days.
yes fork is not good at bending leaves.
) but eating steak or sausage would be funny bit with chopsticks, wouldn't?
Originally Posted by TalnSG
To even suggest that chopsticks are archaic, or that european flatware is an evolutionary advance over them, is not only incorrect, but hints of european arrogance.
That is a good point. Is it actually considered arrogant eating with fork in Japan? What would ppl look at someone who comes to a restaurant and bring out his own fork to eat?
anyway, whether you eat with one or another, or with hands, your meal was most likely prepared using knife and spoon :P