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Blitzwing85 (Offline)
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04-06-2010, 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
Mmm, I see your point but there's lots of puddings that don't match that quite. Sponge Pudding has nothing in it, and all the interest comes from the topping. Steak and Kidney Pudding is like a pie in construction. Ditto Summer Pudding. They're all still wholly different from cake.

On the flip side, something like a currant cake is un-layered but has things IN it. A lemon drizzle cake is pretty similar to a syrup sponge pudding (plain with a flavoured topping) but we still define it as cake rather than pudding.

The recipe for christmas pudding is even basically the same as for christmas cake, except it's served hot, it's boiled/steamed and it has suet in it.

That's why I say the difference is in the cooking method.
You're probably right. I'm not really clued up on most things food related!
I just call them all 'desserts' anyway. haha.

Speaking of cakes though, i think i need to get my partner to make me a chocolate cake. She does them much better than me.
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