Originally Posted by manganimefan227
They do it possibly from being weeaboos. That or Otakus is what they are called.
Meh, sub watchers, I bet they didn't know that the only reason there are cuss words in their subs was because the fansubbers added them to appeal to the audience. -.-'
Seriously! Either make an effort to actually learn Japanese or quit saying
Hunny sempai is so kawaii desu ne!!
nuh uh you did not just lump otaku and weaboo together o.O""""
We otaku are a prideful clan!!!
We take an honest stand in our persistence to obtain more of our otaku needs... NEEEDS! FOOOL not WANTS. NEEDS!!!!!!
It is US that will splurge obscene amounts of money for garage kits, imported video games, perfect grade gundam models, and custom made otaku cosplay >.>"''
It is US that speak of nothing but the latest anime we saw... the manga we just read... or reminisce upon the anime and manga of times long past.
It is US who ignores the cries of that 4 page essay due first period tomorrow and instead opts for 25 episodes of Code Geass: lelouch of the Rebellion AND THEN SOME!
It is US that roam the schools with our cat tails, cat ears, bells, collars, and other otaku fare.
It is US that do EVERYthing in our power to take that one weekend off a month for that anime convention.
and it is US that CRY our hearts out when we can't make it because of PHYSICAL restrictions. and US that damn our personal obligations and forfeit all other unnecessary priorities for the sake of a 3-4 day heaven of otaku indulgences.
and weaboo?? WEABOO?!?!?!?!?
THEY! THEY are just wannabe otaku because
THEY can't possible possess the nerdom.. the geekdom...
the PURE unnatural obsession of all things japan that we, THE OTAKU, solely possess o.O""
and it is I who condemn the fool who takes this post as though a serious one >.>''''''