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04-07-2010, 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by Sitron
Whenever I read reviews about anime/manga/jdrama or read something related to it, I come across people that have to put japanese words in their sentences.
This are all real examples from Jdorama.com - and what the hell is this!? Why do so many people who're interested in Japanese entertainment act like utter retards?
Can't you just type proper English without the ^_^ kawaii kekkoiii sugu Yamapiii?
Simple....like Spanglish....they do Engalese. lol.
You shouldn't really have a cow about it... It's like telling us to speak British English instead of American English when most prolly do the Ameritish/Britican....lol.
P.S. If I do it...it's prolly cause I'm ignorant to the language and am learning as much as I can.
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Last edited by Slykaz1 : 04-07-2010 at 04:02 AM.