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clintjm (Offline)
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04-07-2010, 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Why would you make me repeat myself?

Legally hospitals cannot put the sick and dying on the street.

However that comes at the point they are sick and dying.

"A stitch in nine saves nine."

I know you get that.
I get that your utopia bill doesn't address that, those since it doesn't address the most important problem, health care costs... it is a stupid bill that didn't address a thing of true consequence.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

When is it better to treat the cancer tumor? Early or later?

When is it cheaper to treat the cancer tumor? Early or later?

When is the success rate higher when treating the cancer tumor? Early or later?

These are the fundamental questions that every other industrialized countries in the world have answered.
This bill surely doesn't answer it nor iis it anywhere close to a "step" towards fixing it WHILE be unsustainable, hurting medicare coverage, and costing a trillion bucks we haven't got.
Plus it grows the public sector like a tumor.

This bill isn't reform and it isn't going to lead to anything good. I know you can see that.
You enjoying your reform yet? Those health care credits aren't going to help much when you are going to be taxed more in the end.

Like UK and Canada and death panels and health care rationing from a bureaucrat? Like Canada win the lottery and hopefully three months from now you will get your MRI? Yeah, they are great.
Originally Posted by MMM View Post
However we somehow don't come up with the same answer. We also allow lobbyists to influence politicians...another industry that doesn't exist in a lot of other First World countries.
This is why you don't want government to have this amount of control to begin with.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
And now our Supreme Court has ruled that a Corporation has the same rights as a Person, and the same Freedom of Speech...and that Money equals Speech.
Good times.
Well I do like that it is easier for big business to promote a canidate that approves of the free market and doesn't crap on capitalism at every turn. Obama knew this when the decision went through... he knew that he wouldn't have a chance for his hope and change in a second term after what he was going to do to the free market and capatilism.

Don't worry, you'll see in the coming years. Hopefully a change in parties with defund this sucker so the country can get back on its feet and do real reform. The damage though is done and this debt is "going to hurt"

Speaking of the courts, I can't wait until the lawsuits on the unconstitutionality of this health insurance reform bill to hit the courts. Should be great talking points at the next State of the Union Pep Rally. Maybe he'll give a shout out.
Speaking of shout-outs:
[Michael Tomasky: Obama speaks on the mining disaster — and badly
The audio of this is rancid.

Did you say Reagan? Third best president.
Ronald Reagan On Universal Healthcare - VidoEmo - Emotional Video Unity

Alt Link:
Ronald Reagan Speaks out against Socialized Medicine -

Last edited by clintjm : 04-07-2010 at 02:44 PM.
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