Originally Posted by clintjm
I haven't really read this thread, but I thought I'd give this a listen! It was very interesting until just before he started talking about the freedoms a doctor would lose.
First of all, he implied that patients wouldn't be allowed to change doctors. I don't know how health services were back in the day, but today, in France and England, it's a national health service, but I can change my doctor as many times as I want! Only the other week I changed my GP (general practitioner) for the sole reason that he annoys me and I didn't feel happy with him!
Second; I wonder why a doctor would be reluctant to say what he pointed out? Perhaps because it's not exactly true. Again, I don't know how it was back in the day, but I have an uncle and two cousins that are doctors in France. They're as free to move towns/cities and hospitals as any other professional in the world.
Finally, he said something about the government deciding the future of the children! In the future telling children and grandchildren what it was like when Americans were free etc! Paranoid much? or just propaganda to scare people? I know back in the day, propaganda wasn't pretty blunt, but still!
With the US introducing this health service and having so many countries to compare to, I think it'll probably be the best health service in the world! France, right now, has the best service in the world, but it's not perfect! So, the US, can look at this and insure that they resolve the issues France has! With all that said, I haven't followed the details of this, I'm just hoping they take whats good from other countries and try to leave out whats bad!