Originally Posted by MasterOfPuppets
I'll just do the first one while my bread is getting toasted. I won't do another, I promise, because I only need to have two slices toasted. If you show your work first, however, then I might change my mind and correct it for you (but not do it from scratch).
Driver: Aren't you a newspaper reporter? With the local news department if I may even add to that? Well, maybe not. I probably guessed wrong. Ha ha ha.
Dude: No. I'm with the Touto Newspaper. But how do you know I'm with a newspaper, sir?
Driver: It wasn't difficult. There aren't too many people around here who work this late at night without even drinking to begin with. Besides, I sensed that air from you. How should I call it, the very curious type?
Dude: Unfortunately, that isn't me.