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(#132 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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04-07-2010, 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
hello, I try to do from myself, but sometimes I need to ask.... I hope I understand right.... I need someone who correct me if I understand wrong.... as always.. thank you in advance !
context: people ask him about what dress he wore for a concert and he received a lot of questions :

1) 質問メールをたくさん頂いております;
I received a lot of inquiry emails; Good.

ほんとはライブ見た人だけの秘密にしておきたかったの ですが
in the truth, I did in secret only for people who saw the concert, (?)
Not too bad. "To tell the truth, I wanted to keep this a secret among those who had come to our concert."

来れなかった方の為に特別に・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・
especially for those who couldn't come.................................. OK.

(This is a strange word...."びじゅなび") びじゅなび is a website. -

if you like, take a look to visit it, please: OK.

*here there was a link for a web site with a picture*

2) あれですよ、言いたいことも言えないこんな世の中じゃ !ですよ。
I think that a girl is absolutely a naughty creature. (correct? ) No. Read it yourself.

あれですよ、言いたいことも言えないこんな世の中じゃ !ですよ。
(this I don't understand well)
His poor sentence again. "That's right! 'What's good about a world where you can't say what you want to? That's it!'

3) 大人とは、子供が汚れてしまった存在なんですよ。子供 の頃は、誰もが無垢な心を持っているはずなのに、それ が時の流れ、の中、消えたり、無くなったり、変形した り、汚れたりしてゆく、それが大人なんです。
An adult, is like a child that become dirty. When you are a child, they have a pure heart, This part is good.

that flowing time, vanish inside, disappearing and become dirty, , so this are the adults.
No good. "In the flow of time, you disappear, become non-existent, transform, get dirty, etc. That is called an adult."

ちっちゃい頃の自分に今の僕自身が会った時、あの頃の 僕に「お前なんか嫌いだよ」と言われたりしないか、そ れが心配なんですよ。
(here I don't understand the general meaning, so I can't translate well, sorry) in the time I meet with myself... that time in me... "is something I dislike?" I was worried about that!

Read something easier and better than this. Reading this won't help you learn good Japanese.
"If I ever met myself when I was a kid, wouldn't that boy say to me "I hate you!"? That is what I'm worried about."
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