Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Well of course the English translation is subject-verb-object. It's a translation! When you translate from one language to another, you rearrange the words to make it work in that new language.
I'm surprised you didn't already know this! I mean, in German the word order is different from that of English. If I asked you to translate "Sprechen zie Deutsch" into English, would you tell me it is "Speak you German" or "Do you speak German"? Japanese<->English is the same: the word order will obviously change.
And for what it's worth, there really isn't an object in that Japanese sentence, so it's a poor example. But if we're going to treat "teacher" as an object, then the Japanese is indeed Subject-Object-Verb (she-teacher-is).
Well I am pretty new to Japanese so while suspected a translation issue, I wanted to be sure that I did not misunderstand anything on such a early level like missing some kind of grammar rule.
Glad that you cleared it up for me.