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Kokugen (Offline)
Kingdom Hearts RP GM
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GM 4th Post - 04-03-2007, 06:49 PM

As the last of the Nightstalkers fell Leonia sheathed her sword, she ran forward but no matter how far she ran she would only find she was still in a sandstorm.

She drew out her keyblade and pointed it into the distance,

"Open! Release!"

Her keyblade remained idle and she slashed it around in the hopes of achieving an effect,

"What's the point of this thing if it doesn't do anything!"

"The keyblade won't respond to such an arrogant user."


Leonia turned around to see an armoured figure who was wielding an enormous keyblade, he looked through his closed visor at her and his cloak blew in the wind,

"The keyblade was created from the heart and responds to thus."

She didn't speak and instead observed the suspicous man, how did he know about the keyblade was one of the many questions plaguing her mind,

"As a chaser it would be strange if I didn't know about the keyblades."

"How did you..."

In her surprise she almost spoke, she had learnt to observe a foe before attacking or defending,

"Do not worry I won't hurt you this time, I merely came to ask you."

"Ask me what?"

"Which path do you take?"

It was then when she noticed there were four paths branching off from where the man stood, she could not see the end of either path but she knew they were there,

"I... w - what do you mean?"

"Behind you is your past, if you follow that path there will be no change, there will only be past events."

"Past... events..."

"Behind me is the path of the Twilight, follow that path and you will achieve change as both light and dark take their place in your heart, soul and body."

He pulled down his keyblade and thrusted it into the ground,

"To my left, your right is the path to the darkness, this path is snared with distrust, hate and an impure heart. If you follow this path answers will come quickly but they may not be to your taste."


"The final path is the path to the light, this path with be long, treacherous, filled with tricks and puzzles and you may find answers, you may not. But trust, love and purity shall be the core of your power. If you follow this path the light will be your guide."

"What do you expect me to do?"

"I expect you to do nothing, you ask yourself what you wish to do and do it."

"I - well..."

She looked over the three paths once again mulling over what he said her mind a maelstrom of thoughts, memories and choices.


As Rafe saw the shaft light up and just as he went to stand he felt his body freeze,

"What the hell!" was the first thought in his mind, he tried to move his jaw but got nothing.

He suddenly felt the sound of static fill his ears he tried moving again but it was in vain, he was suddenly surrounded by static and then everything went black.

When he opened his eyes he saw his keyblade was illuminating twilit ground,

"Were am I."

Nakama turned around and observed Rafe,

"He's that last I believe, Kal we should move out."

"As do I!"

Nakama drew out his keyblade spun it and lifted it above his head,


A shell of wind surrounded himself, Kalthar, Lyynn, Meggis and Rafe,

"That should give you a little protection, now Kal I say we pincer attack each side. What say you?"

"I agree with thee!"

Nakama circled counter clockwise around the Nobody/Heartless hybrid, whilst Kalthar mirrored him,

"This guy must be the final frontier, don't hold back."

"I don't intend too."


LEVEL : 9 (OOC: We are only starting )

ELEMENT : Twilight


Strike the Sun Down : A move which surrounds the area in darkness allowing for him to attack from the shadows

Obscuritas : Releases a pulse of darkness underground which shoots up wherever it wills in a volcano like fashion

Tenebrae : Releases a pulse of darkness underground which can shoot up wherever it wills and bind an opponent with tendrils of darkness

Consolor : An attack which releases blasts of light that chase the enemy and paralyses them

Dilucesco : Causes the Twilight Will to grow in strength and size.

TIPS : It's arrogance will be it's downfall.


Neiru touched the flame and felt a sudden jolt before being teleported again, this time he arrived in a room that was decorated with the mark of the heartless, the ceiling was far above his head but he saw that there was a burning heartless sign there the flame itself was a pale purple,


He stepped forward and saw a dusk appear before him it leapt forward and ducked underneath his keyblade slash, it grabbed his leg and swing him around before releasing hm sending him flying upwards at the burning heartless sign,

"But not as impressive close up!"

He was winded as he landed flatly with his back on the sign, he was surprised when he stuck to it, he then felt himself in an instant sucked into it and everything went black. He was suddenly spat out and he found himself on the roof, a chilly wind blew and the full moon shone overhead.

He got to his feet coughing barely able to breath, he was suddenly thrown backwards by a blow to his stomach, heflew backwards into a pillar which split at the point he hit it. He looked up and saw a figure that appeared to be made of pure darkness it had thin flexible arms, a large body which towered over him and got larger the higher it went and resembled armour, the heartless' mark was also engraved into it's chest, it's face also and there were no eyes or mouth on it's face.

It arm suddenly shot downwards into a portal in the ground, Neiru readied his keyblade and was surprised when the arm hit him from behind sending him flying towards the giant, it darted forward in a style similar to Dusks and punched him up into the air,

"This guy actually has some fight in him, interesting."



ELEMENT : Darkness


Fulgor Caligo : Releases a bolt of homing lightning that stalks the enemy.

Nox Noctis : Grabs the enemy and encapsulates them in darkness.

TIPS : Despite it's size darkness still rules it, if it relies to heavily upon the darkness it will fall.

(OOC: Boss time )

Nakama in the Kingdom Hearts RP
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