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JF Ossan
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04-07-2010, 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
No, man.
Just like the so called "benefits" of the "reform", the payment and the damage to the existing health care and insurance system will not be immediate.

If you didn't watch the video or audio then you shouldn't comment.
The Fort hood example is more than enough. So I'd like to give you a shout out... man.

This is the reality of your hope and change. Deal with it, as will the younger generations of the US.
Since change isn't immediate, the bills should be rejected?

The president was criticized in that commentary because he didn't show enough fake emotion. Sorry it was a slow news day when your job is tearing down the president, but if that isn't a desperate attempt to make a daily dose of hate speak, I don't know what is.
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