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clintjm (Offline)
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04-08-2010, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
1) I had to go back and look up this "shout out" incident that has marred your image of the president.

Holy hell, Clint. Between that and the fact that the president didn't show enough fake emotion at the mining tragedy the conservative pundits complaining about these non-incidents come across as INCREDIBLY petty.
Holy Moly MMM; it is not petty. It goes to the core of his character. The first video is the standard response of the average Joe watching this. The fact you had to go back and look up the incident obviously shows how out of touch you are. The fact that he joshes around for over 5-10 minutes AFTER being briefed with shout outs about a MILITARY BASE ON US SOIL BEING ATTACKED by a Terrorist is just insane.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It just proves my point, again, that if the president does something perfectly correct, the right can find any number of ways to pick it apart into making him look like a monster. And they got you, too, Clint. Hook, line and sinker.
The Fort Hood response as with the others I listed are far from petty.
Are you proud of how he performed? who is they?

Now here is the video of the Miner explosion. He does it again! He is all smiles, gives a shout out to the commerce secretary, Janet Nosecurity, shout out to the chorus over there,"however they are looking very serious"...

He is the one should serious and not be joking...

Obama On Mine Explosion Video

There is seriously something wrong here and I'm not nit picking.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
2) Rasmussen Reports is a conservative polling company. Scott Rasmussen was a paid consultant for Bush's 2004 campaign. Yes they are "American people." They are conservative American people taking polls.
Soooo despite the numbers, you argue the facts?
Give me some polls turning that graph upside down. (You can't us MSNBC)
They don't exist.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
3) I am not making you the bad guy, Clint. I was referring to the writer of that article that said the president should show fake emotion when talking about the tragedy in W. Va. He is disingenuous for not being fake. I like that. That sounds like right wing pundit logic.
UK right wing pundits of US politics... yes.....
Watch the video I posted. Almost as bad as the Fort Hood.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
4) I hope you mean it when you say you hope Obama doesn't fail. Too often conservatives use that line to look sympathetic after Rush Limbaugh's honest but ill-advised statement that he hopes the president fails. Behind closed doors when the mics are off are conservative leaders REALLY saying they hope the president doesn't fail? Hmmm...
I don't want the president to fail only because he is the leader of the free world and of my home country. I want his agenda to fail before he takes us to the point of no return... which I don't know if we are there or not.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
5) But this guy will stop at nothing to complete his agenda. That is awesome. The same phrase was used by conservative leaders to praise President Bush when he ignored the polls and did what he wanted to complete his agenda. "He is bold! He makes the hard decisions others won't!" which is another way of saying "He does things the people don't approve of."
Well to be fair, once we were in the situation that he and his administration started with the war... there was little turning back. Is that the agenda you write of?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
6) He believes that Socialism or a worst-ism is that utopia for America. Are we really at the point that we have run out of negative words so we have to make up new negative words to describe the president's actions? That's tea bagger talk. "Obama wants to instill Worst-ism on America!" And again with "utopia". These are scare tactics, Clint, and you are smarter than that.
Read the CNN article regarding Tea Parties. The term you are using is profane and without class. Why can't you use the term Tea Party? Do you have to strengthen your point by using derogatory terms? Come on... you like CNN, NPR and MsLSD.

Yes, despite the progressive's attempt to not call it what it is, the majority of America know exactly what it is, as does most of the mass media; America (and the Mass Media) just can't say it without destroying ourselves. It is a socialist agenda with possible other -ism in the lye.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Like before, I am not going to spend too much more time on such petty non-issues like the "shout-out" and the lack of tears in the presidential speeches. If you, like some conservative chatterboxes, think these are impeachable offenses (or offenses at all) that is your business. It all seems like a silly waste of time to me when there are so many more important issues that need to be resolved.
Well don't let me waist your time MMM... Allow me to let you get back to talking about the Start of hope and change. Tell me about how good things are.....and how Obama is going to bring us together as a nation. Funny my calendar says 4.2010. When do the Rainbows start sprouting?

Watch the latest video I posted on the West VA. Miner's. plus the Fort Hood incident. Tell me there isn't something wrong with the guy. Tell me we couldn't have another 9/11 or terrorist threat and this guy wouldn't be bothered. They guy couldn't be bothered to be briefed on the underware bomber - nor could Janet Nosecurity Napolitano.

I'd rather have real "Glenn Beck" tears or tears of anger than the shout-outs followed by a fake somber recognition of Obama any day. Oh and lets not jump to conclusions about the Fort Hood shooter either.

I still agree with you that Obama (as well as any government rep ) could do almost anything without being impeached. Look at Bill Clinton; the guyed LIED under oath to the public and got a pass.

Yes yes... it always becomes a silly waist of time when we can repute what we start eh...

Trillions later in debt, private sector being suffocated and ridiculed, jobless numbers on the rise, still at war, laughing stock of the globe, ...... good times... More Hope and Change. Lets have a party at the White House or go travel somewhere fabulous... or to collect a noble prize of some sort.

Last edited by clintjm : 04-08-2010 at 12:36 AM.
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