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Sangetsu (Offline)
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04-08-2010, 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Sangetsu, I know you are more intelligent than to mix up Marxism and socialism. Sadly now these are two "key words" to describe what is going on in the Obama administration, and this really couldn't be further from the truth.

The health care reform bill is NOT universal health care, not socialized health care, or anything like it. That's way many of its naysayers the problem is that the heathcare reform bill (more accurately the heath insurance reform bill) doesn't go far enough. There is no public option and no universal health care. How is this socialist reform?

It isn't. Nothing close to it.

The Marxism/socialism points were not the main ones in my post. Can you tell me how America is going to pay for this new program? America cannot even keep up with it's other entitlement programs; the date at which social security will become insolvent has been moved ahead, and this year, for the first time, social security payments were greater than the amount paid into the system.

You said in the other thread that you were self-employed, and were having trouble paying for health care for your family. That is regrettable, but who's fault was that? Didn't you think about things like health care when you started in your current profession? If you could not afford insurance for your family, why did you start a family?

These are sore questions, but if you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest to? Do you really think that because you can't afford insurance that others should have to pay for your coverage? It is not the government which is paying for these programs, it is your neighbors.

While we grow up, we are supposed to think about our future, the things we need, the things we want, and how to get them. It involves a lot of thought, and a lot of hard work. This is why people study hard in school, and get a university education. By doing these things we hope to be successful in life, to afford the things we need and want.

You should be thankful that this isn't universal health care, the cost for the current "Mickey-Mouse" program is nearly a trillion dollars, how much would universal health care cost?

Instead of spending a trillion dollars on health care reform, the money should be spent on providing university educations to Americans so they can find good jobs, or start businesses of their own which will allow them to afford whatever kind of insurance they like.

But, the government continues to spend money hand-over-fist in order to make life "better" for everyone, but what will happen when it comes time to pay the piper? Another depression is in the making, what if it happens during your lifetime? What if it happens in your children's lifetime? Who will you blame? George Bush?
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