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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
04-08-2010, 02:53 AM

Since when is acknowledging the people in attendance bad form? That is standard protocol, Clint. Since when has being calm and collected a negative attribute for the American leader?

Would you want him crying into the cameras? Should he be slamming his fists into the podium?

Imagine the field day Rush Limbaugh would have if our president were to lose his cool or shed a tear?

You are a part of a no win argument. You know it. He knows it. So he is doing what is correct, knowing that people will criticize him for it.

Again, petty, petty, arguments.

Sangetsu, yes I thought about health care when I started my current profession. What a statement to make that it is my fault that we live in a system where a person might not be able to live his dreams because of something like health insurance.

If you could not afford insurance, why did you start a family?

What a sad state that we live in a country where one American would actually ask that question to another American.


The rates of my insurance have increased dramatically over the past few years, but I don't think I was complaining that I couldn't afford it. I was complaining that I am being denied service despite the outrageous increases and outrageous rates.

The CBO has predicted the bill will actually help reduce the deficit. That is different than 1 trillion. I don't anyone can possibly know what the actual costs will be, because we are talking about predicted costs, but the numbers are dramatically different depending on who you talk to.
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