Originally Posted by MMM
Since when is acknowledging the people in attendance bad form? That is standard protocol, Clint. Since when has being calm and collected a negative attribute for the American leader?
Would you want him crying into the cameras? Should he be slamming his fists into the podium?
Imagine the field day Rush Limbaugh would have if our president were to lose his cool or shed a tear?
You are a part of a no win argument. You know it. He knows it. So he is doing what is correct, knowing that people will criticize him for it.
Again, petty, petty, arguments.
The CBO has predicted the bill will actually help reduce the deficit. That is different than 1 trillion. I don't anyone can possibly know what the actual costs will be, because we are talking about predicted costs, but the numbers are dramatically different depending on who you talk to.
The fact is he was giving shout-outs, smiles, and talking about the great work accomplished before talking about a horrific disaster. He should go right into and then rush right off to get an update. The fact that he didn't shows it wasn't important to him, a low priority, it was something he had to do.
If this is "standard protocol" then the bull shite does walk.
I don't remember any president ever doing such a thing. I don't remember president Reagan giving shout outs after the Challenger Disaster. I don't remember Clinton talking about his conquests when announcing our involvement in going into Kosovo.
I said I would take tears or anger over what he calls leadership in a moment of crisis. He could really care less. The fact is I believe pass presidents, including Clinton and both Bush presidents, did care when such disasters or pending disasters with Americans occurred.
建前 comes to mind everytime I see or hear Obama speak.... with good reason.
The videos and past lies speak for themselves.
Rush probably would , like the majority of Americans, because its obvious from these videos and countless other reason that no one really trusts or believes him. The fact that you even bring this possibility up gives me the belief that even you wouldn't believe it. From his politics we also don't believe he has all of the American people and the people in the military in his best interest.
The CBO estimate was only preliminary before the DOC fix and the extra IRS employement and ammendments. And of course... the CBO hasn't got the greatest track record on accuracy.
Where is that polling data MMM? I want to see my charts upside down and how wrong those numbers I posted were. Tell me more about the crazy Tea Party. Even CNN is turning on you. I wonder if the administration is going to ban them like FOX.
Tell me again how "I know I get this" "you are smarter than this Clint" "you are a part of a no win argument" and that I'm "petty petty petty".... maybe you'll make your argument stronger.