Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
Oh now I remember I had a question !
This is how Japanese learn about "! sentenses".
My teacher said
What a "adjective"+ "noun"+ "subject"+ "verb" !
eg.What a lovely person you are!
How "adjective"+"subject"+"verb"
eg.How lovely you are!
When my teacher said they were the same,
I didn't really get it..
Is there any other better way to show my surprised feelings?
Both sentences have the same essential meaning (the beauty of the person being addressed). However, the first sentence is a declaration by the speaker. The second sentence expresses the same concept but also functions as a way for the speaker to explain in detail the beauty (in appearance, behaviour, or both) of the person being addressed.
Another way to express surprised feelings would be:
"You're lovely!"