Help, criticise, continue, do something. -
04-09-2010, 02:16 PM
Hi! My name is Quang, i am currently learning english so i thought writing a story might help. So, i started to write and hit dead end, i dont know what should i write next.
I got a couple ideas but they all seems ridiculous. BTW the main character got some short split personality, that why he cant remember anything last night because the other guy was on after he panicked and fainted.
Please help me with some suggestion, i know the grammar is bad if someone can point out my mistakes it would be good.
April 19th, dark night, cloudy sky with no moon, a perfect night for the unspeakable treacherous act to unfold. I waited impatiently in my room; a cigarette on my left hand, the blue print was in the other hand. I try to look in the dim light to the direction of the hands of the clock which display 9.30. My heart is racing now; heart rate is exponential increase with every ‘tick’ the clock makes, sweating profusing. I heard the sound of the floor clashing against my accomplice’s heavy boot. THUD, Thud………THUD, Thud…………THUD. As the sound draw closer, the more relentless I get. My head will burst any moment now. I try to think, nothing come to minds but a constant Buzzing…..Buzzzzz….. BUZZZ. All hell breaks loose, the dim light seems to get dimmer until a complete darkness.
The alarm sound drill into my eardrums, the same annoying BEEP that bugs and wakes me up everyday. My arms and legs feel heavy; I feel the malaise and weakness in those limbs. As my right hand steadily marching its daily course to reach for the alarm, a sudden sharp and shooting pains originating from my torso. The sharp pain conducts its path toward my brain, travelling at the speed of light and hitting fiercely at the adrenaline bank. The barrier broke, the adrenaline floods, I quickly gain conscious. Two quick things come to minds, first is the pain which subsided now and become dull probably because of the adrenaline, second is the delight of how much I still remember about adrenaline. I have always enjoyed biology class, “fight or fly reaction…. Adrenaline, neurotransmitter, chemical respondent to obnoxious stimulus, make the heart beat faster and the head more alert” I thought. My right hand stops the alarm and its harassing noise. I open my eyelids; the light shines through the gap of the window’s curtains imprints a vertical mark in my room. I know then it is the morning of April 20th and suddenly, I can feel the corners of my mouth is moving upward involuntary, making a big grin on my face. It was good, it was a success.
Daily routines ensure as usual, after the bathroom trip, I settle down at the kitchen table for some cereal breakfast, two third milk and one third cereal. My partner will make his accession to the kitchen any minutes. I anticipate his arrival eagerly for I want to know about the details of last night. Thud… thud….thud, that same sound, I direct my eyes to the kitchen entrant and watch him make his way to the table.
“G’ morning, Dave” I pass the cereal box to his side of the table, he gave me a quick yawn and say “Hey, G’ morning” back.
“How did it go last night? Do you might telling me about the details?............ I am sorry, but I know it is a lot of questions to ask in early morning.” Politely I ask, Dave look tired and I do not tempt to aggravate him.
“Everything went according to plan; you have nothing to worry about.” He paused to answer my question and commence digging his spoon to the cereal bowl immediately after. I take it as a site he does not want to talk, so I try to ask the final question.
“What about my injuries?”
“Oh, that come from the security……….. Do you know what to do next?”
“I know, Dave, I know my duty, you have nothing to worry about.”
We finish the breakfast in silence and before leaving, Dave told me he has business to attend to.
 My JF Family
Brother of ToKyObOxRoBoT, Nightmare
Cousin of Jo_Kittie
Great Grand Father of lollijenn
Uncle of Hentaro