04-10-2010, 12:34 AM
America is traditionally very concerned with a rugged, almost stubborn libertarianism. As if we would rather live out on a self-sufficent homestead than interact as components of a highly populated urban society. Thus, socialism, which appears to in some way, possibly encroach upon this pioneer spirit, becomes a dirty word that cannot be included in political discussions lest a a participant in said discussion completely closes down in reaction to it. If Obama ran on common sense capitalism compatible democratic socialism, all many of his opponents would hear is "socialism" and dialogue would cease.
We are, however, a highly populated urban society. Poverty, unemployment, unfair labor practices, and unsustainable business practices affect the productivity of everyone. National defense, public education, the interstate highway system, the postal service, medical and law enforcement personnel all aid productivity. A society that lifts individuals out of poverty or prevents individuals from falling into poverty due to uncontrolled debt, outrageous expensive healthcare, or unemployment will be a more productive society. More productive members of society, who do have access to increasing levels of discretionary income, create wealth and profitability by making spending choices on leisure goods and activities.
It's a win-win. It is not a threat to personal freedom or personal wealth.
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