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JF Ossan
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04-10-2010, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
MMM, this is true. However, I vote democratic and voted for Obama largely because the direction that he is going is closer than the alternatives.

I am far more liberal than the President. I am far more socialist than the President.
I agree with you Tsuwabuki. So far it has been proven that I am far more liberal than the president, too.

We live now in an era where 9 out of 10 political talk shows are from a conservative perspective, so that is a lot of hours in a day of not only promoting conservative agendas but also distinguishing themselves from each other, so the more outlandish a talk show host is, the more attention he gets. The rhetoric what should have ended at the election now just flows and flows and political election cycle becomes endless.

Intelligent political debate is healthy any time, but now we are accustomed to one-way speech, and with the glut of "news sources" available it is easy for me to get my "news" from people that tell me what I want to hear.

Did FOX News report that in a recent poll they did showing the President and the IRS were considered more favorably than the Tea Party movement?

Fox News' Shocking Results

No, they didn't. That would go against their reporting of how popular the Tea Party movement is. A 24 hour news cycle means a LOT of reporting and a lot of repeating. (How many times did FOX News "report" the Joe Biden f-bomb?)
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