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clintjm (Offline)
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04-10-2010, 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I think Obama is personally not a socialist. But that isn't what I thought you were previously asking.

I think his policies are as far as he can go to not alienate people like me who are and yet not risk losing votes of independents, or more conservative members of our own party. I do think some of the policies, such as healthcare, are headed that direction, and that the Obama administration as a whole, just as previous Democratic adminstrations, has a progressive and socialist "taste" to it.

So it tastes like it, but isn't quite a socialistic agenda.
When does it become a socialistic agenda?
I'm missing the line where he could be called a socialist and a progressive.

It seems to me that the media and the adminsitration itself refuses to call themselves that only because they know that they haven't got a chance to run in the U.S.
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