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(#87 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Hello! - 04-10-2010, 06:07 PM

I see.

Can I use both styles when I get impressed by someone's something (hope you get what I am trying to say here...)?

When a kid gave up on his toy for other kid...
Wow you are so kind!
How kind you are! Does this sound natural ?

Can you teach me when and how to use "What a...."?

Can I say "What a great people (they are)!" or if it's plural,
Does it have to be like "! What great people!"

and one more silly question may I ask?

Which XXXX
XXXX could be plural?

This is the situation,

there are 5 yellow buses, and 5 red buses and 5 blue ones too.
and I am supposed to take a bus to go to The Magical town.
These buses leave at the same time, because there are so many passengers.
Different colours different directions...
then when I want to ask....
"Which buses go to the Magical Town?" is right?
"Which bus goes to the M T?" is right?

For me, a Japanese native... singular and plural are so confusing!
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