Originally Posted by MMM
Tsuwabaki, I didn't think Clint was really wanting to play this "game" but it is the latest distraction of the alienated right: let's get people to call Obama a socialist.
You got hooked.
I never called Obama a socialist. I called myself a socialist.
Clint, Obama has to throw us a few bones. That's why we voted for him. If he doesn't, he will lose our support. That doesn't make him a socialist, it just makes him accountable to those who elected him. His public position as President, and his personal, internal beliefs as Barack Obama, will, and should be, sometimes at odds.
LBJ voted against integration as Senator because the people of Texas who voted him into that position were against integration. As President, he realised it was the liberal wing who had elected JFK, and thus himself, and so he pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, again, doing the will of the people who put him into office.
I like to think it was his views as Senator that were not his personal views, but it could have been the other way around. It doesn't matter. If you're elected, you work for the people who elected you. As President, you try to work for everyone, but you tend to side with the agendas of the people who voted you in over the agendas of those who did not.
Obama is not a socialist. He knows I am. He knows I was a delegate. He knows I represented hundreds or thousands of other voters who elected me as a delegate and hold views similar to mine. If he wishes to avoid a primary challenge like Carter got from Teddy Kennedy, then he needs to make sure we damn well get those bones. Nothing says a party must back the sitting president. Carter nearly lost, and it weakened him, that it was a pretty large reason he lost a second term.