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clintjm (Offline)
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04-11-2010, 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
It's simple really. I am a socialist. It doesn't matter if Obama is or not (and he's not). What matters is the policies are closer to what I want than John McCain's policies would be. Even the Republicans have some policies that are socialistic- National Defense being the big one.

Yes, the Obama administration is headed more in a socialistic direction than the alternative administration would be. That doesn't mean the administration is "socialist."

What exactly is your point?
Yes I agree. They are heading the socialistic direction; enough where you "vote the way you vote".

According to you, I guess there isn't that one policy or agenda that isn't strong enough or that doesn't allow Obama and the adminsitration to be labeled a socialist. Dispite the "taste" of their agenda. I suppose I'll never know what that line is that prevents me from calling him a socialist. Maybe that line doesn't exists.

I see a lot of history about the parties being written and how they don't run on socialism because they would never get the votes (enough to take power). I accept that. What I don't accept is not being to call him and his administation what it is, socialists. You vote for him because he is moving towards socialism, yet refuse to label him that without being able to draw me that line.

clintjm:"Socialism: Do you think it could work in the states? Is the president and the current administration working toward this?"
Tsuwabuki:"Yes, and yes. This is why I vote the way I do."

Yet we can't label him a socialist because he isn't socialist enough by some measurement or some political line that can't be drawn or labeled? Can he be labeled a socialist if he got the U.S. a healthcare public option? Does there need to be more wealth distribution? Caps on how much wealth one can obtain? What is it.

We seem to have come to an impass. And that is fine. Of course we will never see him and the administration labled as so blatenly in the media other than commentary shows because we can agree that would be death for this administration.
Thats fine. I know not to expect that. But if I walk out the door now and walk down the street and ask the average person if they could define socialism, and if they could, would they call Obama and his adminsitration Socialists? They would say yes and could tell me why. You admit in this thread the president and his adminsitration are moving toward this. Yet that doesn't make him a socialist? Sorry... that is hypocrisy.

Last edited by clintjm : 04-11-2010 at 06:57 PM.
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