Originally Posted by tandakku
So, I'm supposed to write out a composition paper, and include a few things like:
Existence (iru, aru)
Position (back, front, on top of)
A positive and negative statement using an adjective/description
Incorporate 2 numbers
Like or dislike
So I'd like to post what I have so far and see if you all can make sure I haven't made any errors?
I'd start it off something like:
Welcome to my house. (Is that said: "Uchi e youkoso"?)
Watashi no "Chandula" ni arimasu. ??? "It is in my chandelier?
Watashi wa inu nihiki to neko ipiki arimasu.
Watashi wa uchi no ushiro ni shinshitsu ga imasu. My bedroom is at the back of the house.
Is that the term they taught you for bedroom? It's a little old school.
Kirei na uchi imasen. My house is not pretty/clean.
Inu wa urusai arimasu.
"Tedi bea" hitotsu arimasu. If I own it, but the bear is inanimate, is it "arimasu" or "imasu"?
Watashi no "tedi bea" wa me hutatsu imasu.
Uchi ga suki desu.
Shinshitsu ga kirai desu.
Bye, I'll see you later:
Ja mata.
So far, so good?