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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-12-2010, 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by tandakku View Post
I'm a first year (or semester) learning Japanese. The structure is confusing me- it's so different from English.

An adjective in a Japanese sentence, like for a sentence like this:

That duck is pretty.

Would be:

Sore ahiru kirei desu.

Or: Sore Kirei na ahiru imasu.

See? I have it all messed up.
You're not too messed up.
The first one sounds like "There, duck, it's pretty." The second sounds like "There, there is a pretty duck."

Both are missing particles, but both are acceptable uses of adjectives.

ホラ、アヒルはきれいです。Look, the duck is pretty.
それはきれいなアヒルです。That is a pretty duck.
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