Originally Posted by Columbine
More than 2 = 3 and all numbers higher than 3.
2 or more = all numbers higher than 2, INCLUDING 2
Less than 5 = 0,1,2, 3 or 4
5 or less =0,1,2,3,4 or 5
*nitpick mode off* :P
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
right... so people actually rarely use "How XXX or "What XXX"?
They do, but it's up to the context and what emphasis the speaker wants to put on the person or thing they see.
I see
so "which" is only used for singular? or grammartically OK to say Which+Plural?
I agree with Columbine's explanation in her earlier post.
Thank you so much Koir san,
I will try!
It's sunday afternoon here now and I am a bit hungover and tired...
that's not a healthy way to enjoy Sunday isn't it?
oh well...
Not if you view Sundays as a time to regret what you did Saturday night